Returns an upload URL and upload ID.
To upload a work you must use work.upload.begin, work.upload.chunk and work.upload.commit or upload the file by POST. All these components are not available through the standard API endpoint ( but thrugh dedicated upload servers. Before calling any of these components, you must call work.upload.lookup to get an upload server and id.
- Component name: work.upload.lookup
- Signature: Requires signature using the authkey's private key
- Timestamp: Requires ztime parameter
- Authorization level: ADD
- authkey*: Authorization key of the work owner
- ztime*: Z-Timestamp
- filename*: File name of the work to upload
- bypost: Work will be uploaded using a HTTP multipart POST request (true) or using work.upload.begin, work.upload.chunk and work.upload.commit (false, default value)
* Required parameter
- workuploadlookup
- uploadurl: Upload URL
- If bypost is true, uploadurl is the direct URL of a servlet which will handle the HTTP POST upload
- If bypost is false, uploadurl is the base URL of the upload API server (you will need to add /v2/ to the URL when calling components)
- uploadid: Upload ID, must be used as a parameter in the rest of upload components
- uploadurl: Upload URL
REQUEST: ?component=work.upload.lookup &authkey=1i5g2aaf2bz09lyo867cuimqg &filename=long.txt &ztime=1271749837035 &signature=668eea80a7f6654a7ec65a74583bbacbc2edc6b5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <workuploadlookup> <uploadurl></uploadurl> <uploadid>3c33a96c-7743-43d0-9614-db70fa46d3ad</uploadid> </workuploadlookup>
REQUEST (bypost): ?component=work.upload.lookup &authkey=1i5g2aaf2bz09lyo867cuimqg &bypost=true &filename=my+file+name &ztime=1271749837445 &signature=68b97266ea439203402ac496f27016a01878290a
RESPONSE (bypost):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <workuploadlookup> <uploadurl></uploadurl> <uploadid>c5866e13-6d9a-41a5-9578-eacba8c80e02</uploadid> </workuploadlookup>