User authorization
In order to register works for an account you need an authkey. That authkey is the authorization a user has acknowledged so you can use his account.
An authkey has an associated private key. You must use the authkey's private key to sign the requests when using an authKey signed components. You must authorize yourself if you want to auto-register works.
Authorization level
Each authorization has a level, it can be GET, ADD or MANAGE
- GET level allows read operations on the user account
- ADD level allows new work registrations on the user account
- MANAGE level allows modification and deletion of registered works
Creating an authkey
In order to create an authKey you must use authkey.create. That function return a new authKey and its associated private key.
IMPORTANT: You must save the authkey's private key for future use. It cannot be obtained again anywhere. If you lose an authkey's private key you will be forced to create a new authkey for the user.
User authorization of an authkey
Once created you must link the authkey to a user by redirecting the user to the /api-ui/authkey.edit page:
You must provide the following parameters to this page:
- authkey: New authkey obtained from authkey.create
- level: Desired authorization level (GET, ADD or MANAGE)
- sharedkey: You application sharedkey
- ztime: Server ztime
- signature: Parameters signature using the authkey's private key
Once the user authorizes your application, he is then redirected to the bringback url as defined in the userkey. Redirection is automatic when the user already has an authorization of the same level.
Authorization state
You can query an authkey state using You can obtain the nonce key calling auth.authkey. That function returns the current auth key status and the current nonce key to use in some funcion calls Some security-risk operations such as the creation or modification of a work registration require a nonce key which is obtained using the authKey. The nonce is changed every time it's used in such operations Example of authkey.manage:
REQUEST: ?component=authkey.create &sharedkey=zy9x4ol0ctg3btyswq7b5wi9 &ztime=1271749822099 &signature=4ed86580ab439b56251ed712e2554586b125f0ef
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <authkeycreate>
<authkey>23j22wtpoguzgzk0fag39sey6</authkey> <privatekey>1f5lcps1hvpo7y1sw175y5qkp</privatekey>